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Star Boot Sale 2023
Raised so far: £25,641

Welcome to the Teenage Cancer Trust Star Boot Sale

Thank you for supporting the third annual Star Boot Sale - your opportunity to own items donated by your favourite stars. Our incredible friends from across the entertainment industry have been rummaging through their cupboards to find some amazing items for us.

This is your chance to own some incredible and one-off items! So don't be shy, make a bid. All proceeds will benefit Teenage Cancer Trust.

Every day, seven young people aged 13-24 hear the words “you have cancer”.

Teenage Cancer Trust is the only UK charity dedicated to providing the specialised nursing care and support they need to get through it.

Cancer doesn’t just devastate a young person’s health. It threatens to take away everything they care about – their identity, their independence, and their dreams.

We fund specialist nurses, youth support teams and hospital units within the NHS to provide the very best care and support during treatment and beyond, making sure cancer doesn’t stop young people living their lives.

The online auction will close at 8pm on Thursday 4th May. Please ensure you have read through all the T&Cs and FAQs.

A huge thank you to all those who have donated auction prizes, without your kind donations, we wouldn't be able to raise as much for young people with cancer.

For information about the auction items and delivery please contact

If you would like to make a donation, please click on the 'pledge' button on the menu on the left. Alternatively, you can buy special experiences in amongst the auction listings.